What are the Major Causes of Homelessness?

What are the Major Causes of Homelessness?

Homelessness is one of those terrifying prospects that almost anyone can experience regardless of their current state. Visibly, there are plenty of people living on the streets, which highlights that it is not uncommon. Instead of letting individuals experience homelessness, it is vital to understand the causes behind it, spread awareness and offer as much support as possible. Even though housing is a human right, there are millions of people who lack it. There are a few global surveys that suggest that a whopping 1.5 billion people lack appropriate housing.

Figuring out the exact number is a bit tough because many countries have different definitions of homelessness. Since tracking the problem is also very expensive, it is difficult to gather updated data. Either way, most people do not know that homelessness is an issue. But by knowing the root causes, they might be able to take it seriously and provide adequate contribution from their side. Here are the major causes of homelessness.

1.  Unemployment

One of the obvious yet major causes of homeless is unemployment. There are different reasons for unemployment, and some parts of the world have higher rates than others. Once an individual is unemployed for an extended period, homelessness becomes very likely, at least in the majority of cases where appropriate prevention measures were not put into place. Studies suggest that most individuals without a house want to get a job and work but face roadblocks, including not having a permanent address. This issue needs to be tackled particularly in countries with a lot of population and fewer job opportunities.

2.  Expensive Healthcare

Healthcare is not cheap by any means today. Plus, many people are actually underinsured or just uninsured. This often results in a lot of money being spent on healthcare and not having sufficient funds for rent, food, utilities, and other important things. It might also make people overlook routine checkups which also leads to higher medical expenses down the road. Just a single accident or injury can take an individual or family into homelessness.

3.  Absence of Affordable Housing

The lack of affordable housing is actually a global issue. Plenty of countries are facing this challenge. It is one of the primary causes of homelessness. In fact, 90% of cities in many countries are considered unaffordable, according to some data. This is based on the average price of a house being more than three times the median income. The absence of affordable housing means people will have very few options. It is very tough to find a house in a safe area or near the workplace.

4.  Grief

There are many homeless people in Australia who are burdened by grief. They have a tough time dealing with the passing away of a loved one, which makes them numb their pain with addiction. Addiction often leads to the loss of a job and, ultimately, a house. For them, grief becomes an obstacle to living.

Wrapping Up

Homelessness is a very serious issue, and it is common all around the world. This is why it is important to play your part in offering as much support as possible. But before that, it is important to be aware of the major causes of homelessness, such as those mentioned in this article.

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Post Date : 10 Jul 2024